Blucor™ material handling hose with the ContiTech 150 psi bolt-on split flange coupling is an easy and economical choice. Blucor™ has the high strength needed to handle pressure or suction service in the transfer of dry bulk, slurry, salt, cement, fertilizers and a limited quantity of oil-based products.
TUBE: 3/8" black Pureten™, 3/8" black Chemituf® (static dissipating/static conductive), 3/8" tan Pureten™, or Survivor® Compound.
COVER: Black corrugated abrasion-resistant SBR (wrapped impression).
REINFORCEMENT: Spiral-plied synthetic fabric with wire helix.
TEMPERATURE RANGE: -25˚F to 180˚F (-32˚C to 82˚C).
Continental ContiTech Blucor™ Black Pureten™ Liner.
Contact MILPAWS for proper fitting recommendation and coupling procedures.
Material Handling Hose